
  • Advanced English for Nursing Student

    Advanced English for Nursing Student


    Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia faces many obstacles. Firstly, English is not day to day used so the students have difficulty to practice it. They only use it in the limited time classroom, so teachers have difficulty to make authentic situation for the students to practice the language outside the class. Second obstacle is the students’ bad experiences during their previous schooling in learning English. The students come from different school background; some remote school may not have good teachers, especially in teaching English. Even some students have bad...

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  • Mind Medicine, for Healthy Mind-Body-Spirit: Seni membajak energi jiwa untuk kesehatan fisik dan mental

    Mind Medicine, for Healthy Mind-Body-Spirit: seni membajak energi jiwa untuk kesehatan fisik dan mental


    Mindmedicine secara singkat adalah sistem pengobatan holistik dengan memanfaatkan energi jiwa untuk meningkatkan kesehatan fisik dan mental. Berawal dari penelitian penulis untuk merampungkan riset tentang etnomedisin dayak Paramasan di Paramasan Bawah Pegunungan Meratus Kabupaten Banjar Kalimantan Selatan. Penelitian tersebut memberikan kesempatan penulis untuk melakukan pengamatan kualitatif dan eksplorasi pustaka yang lebih intensif mengenai sistem pengobatan holistik. Hasil akhir dari riset ini berupa sebuah model teoritik diberi nama Metamodel Meaning-Making. ...

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  • English for Nursing Career: Students' Workbook

    English for Nursing Career: students’ woorkbook


    Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia faces many obstacles. Firstly, English is not day to day used so the students have difficulty to practice it. They only use it in the limited time classroom, so teachers have difficulty to make authentic situation for the students to practice the language outside the class. Second obstacle is the students’ bad experiences during their previous schooling in learning English. The students come from different school background; some remote school may not have good teachers, especially in teaching English. Even some students have bad...

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Advanced English for Nursing Student

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